0121 308 7557

Staff Promotions at CCE

We are pleased to announce that from the 1st January 2015 we have restructured our team. This has led to well-deserved promotions for a number of staff. In adapting to improving market conditions and growth in new opportunities, we have promoted Matt Ford, James Gallagher, Karl Jervis, Ryan Higginson and Martin Smith to Associates, with Yvonne Aust and Mark Johnson joining Matt Bonsall as Associate Directors.

The restructure will allow for continued career progression within the Company for this senior team and also create opportunities for all our staff to progress and develop at Couch Consulting Engineers.


CCE Pomotion Photo 2015 revb

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Couch Consulting Engineers (Midlands) Ltd. Registered in England, Number: 02695503

Registered Office: The Old Forge, Priory, London Road, Canwell, Sutton Coldfield B75 5SH